Saturday, July 27, 2024

Information on the Indonesia Deans' Course for Private Higher Education Institution (INADC-PHEI) 2018

Information on the Indonesia Deans' Course for Private Higher Education Institution (INADC-PHEI) 2018
Part I : three-days workshop in Surabaya (February 5-7, 2018)
Part II : three-days workshop in Bintaro Jaya City (May 21-23, 2018)
Target : 25 Rectors of Private University, Directors of Private Polytechnic, Heads of Private Institute, and deans of Private Higher Education Institutions
Universitas Ma Chung (UMC), Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA), and Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ), endorsed by Directorate for Research and Community Services, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Private Higher Education Institution Coordination, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, and Indonesia Private Higher Education Association (APTISI), are jointly organising Indonesia Deans' Course for Private Higher Education Institution (INADC-PHEI).
INADC-PHEI 2018 is an intensive training course for Rectors of Private University, Directors of Private Polytechnic, Heads of Private Institute, and deans of Private Higher Education Institutions on leadership and management for higher education institution, with the theme entitled “Empowering Leadership and Quality Governance”.
This intensive training course is part of the National Multiplication Training (NMT) of DIES programme (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and which aims at strengthening higher education in developing countries through international cooperation, capacity building and exchange in the field of higher education management and research.
The objective of INADC-PHEI 2018 is to bring 25 Rectors of Private University, Directors of Private Polytechnic, Heads of Private Institute, and deans of Private Higher Education Institutions, who have not yet taken part in DIES training courses, in Indonesia and to prepare them for challenges of holding position as leader which has potential capacity to make transformation in the institution to face global changing of higher education landscape in Indonesia and ASEAN.
Issues such as strategic good university governance, human resource management, financial management, quality assurance, research and entrepreneurship as well as leadership will be key parts in this course. This workshop will present selected international experts, i.e. the project manager of the International Deans' Course Prof. Dr. Peter Meyer (Oesnabrueck University, Germany); Indonesia entrepreneurship leader Dr (H.C.) Ir Ciputra; Head of Coordinating Private Higher Education Institution for Region Jakarta Dr. Illah Sailah; Director of Research and Community Services, Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, selected rectors, and trainers who are alumni of International Deans' Course from difference batches who have been succesfully implemented the training in their institution. In addition the course will provides information and link to national and international grant funding related to research and institutional development.
Methodology will be strictly practice oriented and mainly based on case studies. Personal experience as university manager will greatly contribute to this course and active participation will be necessary. The course starts in February 2018 with a three-days workshop in Surabaya. Participants are expected to bring along a description of their work situation (university governance structure) and to develop a Project Action Plan (PAP) at the end of the first contact in Surabaya. This PAP is a project management tool and refers to a reform project which all participant are asked to implement at their own institution during various stages of the course. The milestone, and finalisation of the PAP will be presented and discussed as lessons learn among the group.
The application includes
- application form (incl. curriculum vitael, see attached form);
- letter of motivation (see attached form);
- organisational chart of the university (including the section where the candidates are working in);
- letter of recommendation from university top leadership (with a clear statement that if the candidate is successful in this application the university top leadership will give an official assignment to the candidate to participate in all two parts of INADC-PHEI);
- letter of recommendation from DAAD alumni will be appreciated
Please send your application with a cover leter (via e-mail) until December 31, 2017.
to contact person Dr. Tatas Brotosudarmo ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
All application will be informed about the results of the selection process by January 8, 2018.
As the two parts of the INADC-PHEI are interconnected, participants have to confirm by statement of their institutional top leadership that they are assigned to take part in all two parts prior to the acceptance to the course.
Hotel accomodation and meals during the two parts will be covered by funds from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development with a total tuition fees 865 Euro per person. Should succesfull participant unable to attend the course will have to make a formal letter with an acknowledgement by their institutional top leadership and will be charged to return the tuition fees through bank transfer.
Further information on the INADC-PHEI programme can be found at or contact us by e-mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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